2022 Vesak Day Dharma Discourse

For the 2022 Vesak Day, we have uploaded videos of Venerable Fa Liang’s Vesak day Dharma Discourse on the internet.

With the original intention of sharing the Dharma and for re-learning purpose, we are now uploading《禅门谈空》,《坛经的无念之法》,《禅门四大口诀》Vesak day Dharma Discourse and share with everyone.

Video《禅门四大口诀》 - 修行下手处3 (18th May 2022)

Video《坛经》的无念之法 - 修行下手处2 (11th May 2022)

Video《禅门谈空》 - 修行下手处1 (4th May 2022)